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What is GriefShare?

GriefShare is a faith-based video seminar and support group for people who are grieving the death of someone close to them. At GriefShare, you learn valuable information about recovering from grief and renewing your hope for the future.

Classes meet on Sunday afternoons from 2-4 pm at Manchaca United Methodist Church. There are 3 different classes to choose from, and you are welcome to take one class or all of the classes, depending on your need. Please read more about our classes below.
For more info, go to
  • What time are the worship services?
    Service times are at 9 am and 11:15 am on Sunday Mornings. The 9:00 am service is a contemporary service held in the Family Life Center. This service features music from our band, Such as These. You'll also want to look our for Breakfast Church and Pet Church days — check out our calendar to when those are happening. The 11:15 a.m. service is a traditional service held in the Sanctuary. This service features music from our Sanctuary Choir. Between the Sunday morning services we offer a variety of Small Group Studies for all ages is at 10:15 - 11:00 a.m. Please check our ministries page to find out more.
  • Do you have online options for worship?
    We understand that sometimes life gets in the way and you won't be able to come in person to our worship services. If you'd still like to attend, don't worry! Due to technology constraints, we are only able to livestream our Traditional service at 11:15 am, which can be seen on our Facebook page, found here.
  • Are children allowed in worship?
    At Manchaca UMC, we love kids! We encourage families to bring children to worship. Wiggles and little voices are welcome; no one is bothered by kid-noises. In fact, we love it when children learn through observation and worship alongside us. If they're comfortable, they're even able to come forward for a special Children's Sermon every week. If you feel as though your little children aren't able to do a full service, we do have a nursery for kids up to 5 years old, if you prefer. Between the services, we also offer children's Sunday school for children 3 years old - 5th grade, as well as for older children and youth. You can learn more on our Children and Youth pages.
  • Do you provide Sunday School classes?
    We have a variety of Sunday School classes available for all ages! All classes meet from 10:15 - 11:00 am on Sunday mornings, between the worship services. There are multiple children's classes based on age. To find more information about what's available and to find your child's class, visit our Children's Sunday School page. The youth (both middle and high school students) meet in the Youth Room in our upstairs wing. To see information on that class, visit our Youth page. We have many adult classes that you can attend. Some meet in the main building, and others will meet in the Family Life Center. To find the class that fits best for you, visit our Adult Sunday School page.
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