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Weekend Food



(Formerly known as the Backpack Ministry)

For many of these children, school meals may be the only meals they eat. What happens when they go home over the weekend? Because they do not eat regular meals on the weekends, they likely suffer from food insecurity. Extensive research shows that children who are hungry do not excel in school.


For the past 8 years, MUMC has been helping children get the nutritious and easy-to-prepare food they need for the weekends. Each school year, we typically support 40 or more children at a minimum cost of $170 per week. Bags of food are assembled and then delivered each Friday to designated families at Menchaca Elementary School.


If you would like to be a volunteer with this ministry, please contact Linda Voges at 512-626-3638

Food Drive

For the next few weeks, there will be a collection cart in the Hospitality Area labeled for "Weekend Food for Children." If you would like to donate, please leave food donations in this cart. 

Will you be a blessing
for these children?


You can help by dropping a check in the offering basket and indicating on the memo line “Weekend Food for Children” or if donating online, go to the church’s giving portal on the church’s website and select “Weekend Food for Children” as the fund.


If you prefer to donate food items, the following are items needed (individual servings please!):

Chef Boyardee Pasta cups
Easy Mac & Cheese cups
Ramen Noodle pkgs. (chicken or beef)
Fruit cups (any)
Applesauce cups
Cereal (single serve boxes)
Instant Oatmeal pkgs. (any)
Individually wrapped snacks - Peanut Butter Crackers, Granola Bars
Pudding cups

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