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Beginning Lent
Ash Wednesday
March 5
Ashes-To-Go: 7-9:30 am
Pastor John will be under the Bell Tower (between the Education Wing and the FLC in the West parking lot) for these hours.
Worship: 7 pm in the Sanctuary
Worship Opportunities
Every Sunday
9 - 10 am Modern Service, Family Life Center
11:15 - 12:15 am Traditional Service, Sanctuary
Palm/Passion Sunday
Sunday April 13
9 - 10 am Modern Service, Family Life Center
11:15 - 12:15 am Traditional Service, Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday
Thursday April 17 at 7 pm
Join us for a worship experience commemorating Jesus' last supper with his disciples, including communion and hand washing, in the FLC.
Good Friday
Friday April 18 at 7 pm
The Good Friday Cantata, presented by the Sanctuary Choir
Prayer and Meditation
Devotionals for adults and youth are available at the back of the worship spaces. You can also click here to view a PDF.
Multiplying Love by Paul W. Chilcote
"I am writing to encourage the church to read a book this season of Lent. Several groups within our congregation are studying the book in their small group settings. It is a great read and I encourage you to get a copy and read it as part of your faith devotional time this year." —Pastor Paul
Holy Saturday Worship Guide
While we are not having an official worship service on the Saturday before Easter, we encourage you to use this resource as a way to reflect and pray.
Easter Morning
Sunday March 31
Sunrise Service
Worship Opportunities
7 am on the Pavilion Outdoors
Modern Worship
9 am in the Family Life Center
Traditional Worship
11:15 am in the Sanctuary
Easter Egg-stravaganza
Families are invited to join us at the Pavilion on Easter Sunday at 10:15 for table games, snacks, photo opportunities and a color-coded egg hunt which tells the story of Easter!
Note: There will be no children's or youth Sunday school on Easter - join in on the fun at the EGGstravaganza instead!
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