Sunday December 17, 2023, the Sanctuary Choir and Orchestra performed Mary McDonald's: "Festival of Christmas."
You can rewatch the presentation here.
You can view the bulletin for the service, as well as the insert including the lyrics, here:
Orchestral Ensemble
“Christmas, Sing Noel!”
“O Come, Emmanuel”
Sue Thomason, Soprano
Jenny Rinehart, Soprano
“This Joyful Christmas Day”
“The Midnight Clear”
“The Snow Lay on the Ground”
“O Holy Night”
Pat Ward, Soprano
Margaret Millán, Soprano
Daniel Millán, Baritone
“Go Tell the News!”
“Christmas, Sing Noel (Reprise)”
The presentation of this Cantata with orchestration was made possible by a donation from Pat Ward in memory of James Ward. Special thanks to those who made additional donations to help sponsor our guest musicians.