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MUMC Scholarships

Updated: Mar 27

Applications are now available!

40th Year of MUMC Scholarship

Please give generously to the April 7, 2023 Communion Altar Rail Offering. These monies are designated for the Chris Brown and Don Banker Scholarship Endowment, which gives scholarships to local high school and college students each year. This fund began with $300 in 1984, 40 years ago. Since that time, over $84,000 has been given in 173 college scholarships to students.


It is important for you to know that each and every dollar of all of the offerings for

the April 7 Communion Altar Rail will go to the scholarship fund to help students with

their college expenses.  Please help support our youth in their future endeavors.

Like the mustard seed in Matthew 13:32 “although it is the smallest of all seeds, it grows

larger than any garden plant and becomes a tree. Birds even come and rest on the

branches.” With God’s blessing and your generosity, the scholarship fund will grow

again this year, serve more students, and MUMC will continue to play a vital role in

assisting students to achieve their goals and dreams.

Even though these scholarships are given out in the Spring of each year, you may

contribute to this fund all year long - simply mark your offering as "Scholarship Fund."

You may also give through our online giving portal and select "Scholarship Fund" from

the fund menu.


Gratitude Narratives from Past Recipients

Joel Bowman: Being supported by my MUMC church helped lessen the stress I felt about expenses. The scholarship let me focus more on my studies. Thank you, MUMC.

Marissa Konde: I would like to thank the church for its support while growing up and their continued support throughout my college career. The church scholarship was very helpful, as I was able to buy textbooks. Having this financial aid enabled me to focus more fully on my studies and not have to worry about how I was going to purchase the books. My church family has always shown me in both words and action how to love people and I will always continue to pay it forward.

Katie Luna: Receiving the MUMC scholarship provided a stepping stone to attending the university I desired and helped me receive my Bachelors in Nursing. Not only did MUMC award me the scholarship, but the constant love and support from the ministry gave me the encouragement and strength I needed to finish school. With the initial help from the MUMC Scholarship I am now able to use my degree to serve children with cancer in the Seattle area. Thank you MUMC.

Jake Nix: Receiving a scholarship from MUMC has left me feeling blessed and supported. On top of the financial support it provided, I also felt a sense of support from the church community as a whole that reaffirmed that they believed in what I could achieve. With this support, I was able to graduate on time and achieve my academic goals. Additionally, I have been able to land a job as a civil engineer that empowers me to be able to work and give back to the community by building and improving infrastructure. Receiving this support from the community I grew up in truly meant a lot to me. 


History of the MUMC Scholarship Fund

The MUMC Scholarship Fund began in 1984, when Christine Brown, a longtime MUMC

member and retired teacher, was honored by parents of her students. She was

recognized with a $300 check, and her response was “Let’s give it back to the children.”

Christine had opened Jet Star School after her retirement. These parents wanted to

acknowledge her forty years of teaching, devotion to children, and her endless energy,

so their $300 gift was the seed money for the scholarship fund. Christine began to have

her famous rummage sales to benefit the scholarship nest egg. She was so successful

with her sales, friends and family dubbed her “Queen of the Rummage Sale.”

Christine’s life revolved around God, her family, MUMC, children, and their educations.

Though she is no longer with us, Christine’s spirit lives on, and she continues to

influence lives through the MUMC Scholarship Fund.

In 1994, another scholarship was added to the MUMC Fund. Janna Banker contributed

proceeds from a scholarship established in memory of her husband, Donald. His career

had its foundation in an engineering degree from Texas A&M University. After serving in the USAF and working in private industry, he returned to A&M to obtain a master’s degree in mathematics, starting a long and distinguished career in education. The majority of his teaching career was spent at McCallum High School in Austin.

Don’s passionate belief in higher education and the opportunities it afforded was often the source of his teaching style. Mathematics was his platform from the very basic algebra to the higher logic of calculus, he urged, pushed, and if necessary, held the hands of students until they understood.

Like Christine Brown, Don Banker’s devotion to teaching and his students was

reciprocated with admiration and respect.

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