Hi Friends,
We are just back from Corpus Christi and the Annual Conference meeting of almost 700 clergy and laity delegates representing 225 United Methodist churches in the south and central Texas area. We are the Rio Texas Conference and in mission together we offered Christ to over 900,000 people this last year. What? That’s right! Our churches not only track attendance and giving, we keep track of relationships that develop from mission and service with our neighbors. To me, that is the most exciting part of being a a United Methodist. Our connectional church structure means that we leverage our combined strengths to reach out to people in our neighborhoods and people from across the world.
This year Manchaca United Methodist Church was represented by Chansin Esparza, Sondra Halweg, Paul and Laura Harris, Ron Mize, Malcolm Nelson, Pat Stine, and Sue Thomason. I give thanks for their commitment of time to represent us in the Conference connection. Each has a story to tell from their experiences so search them out and ask about what we are up to as United Methodists.
More coming soon…!
Pastor Paul
